Is it a Rodent?

A rabbit looks a bit like a rodent, but is it?

Nope, rabbits are not rodents! Not because of their size, but because of their teeth. All rodents have a single pair of incisors on their upper and lower jaw. Rodents teeth grow their entire life.

Check out the list below to find out which animals are and which are not rodents. Click on the image or species name to see more images and details about each species.

More Animal Lists for Kids

Animal Is it a rodent? Yes or No
Is an Agouti a rodent? Yes
Is a Beaver a rodent? Yes. The beaver is the second largest rodent in the world.
Is a Capybara a rodent? Yes. The Capybara is the largest rodent in the world.
Is a Cavy a rodent? Yes
Is a Chinchilla a rodent? Yes
Is a Chimpmunk a rodent? Yes
Is a Coypu a rodent? Yes
Is a Degu a rodent? Yes
Is a Gerbil a rodent? Yes
Is a Gopher a rodent? Yes
Is a Groundhog a rodent? Yes
Is a Guinea Pig a rodent? Yes
Is a Gundi a rodent? Yes
Is a Hamster a rodent? Yes
Is a Kerodon a rodent? Yes
Is a Lemming a rodent? Yes
Is a Mara a rodent? Yes. Maras are the fourth largest rodent in the world.
Is a Marmot a rodent? Yes
Is a Mouse a rodent? Yes
Is a Muskrat a rodent? Yes
Is a Naked Mole-rat a rodent? Yes
Is a Paca a rodent? Yes
Is a Porcupine a rodent? Yes. Porcupines are the third largest rodent in the world.
Is a Prairie Dog a rodent? Yes
Is a Rat a rodent? Yes
Is a Springhare a rodent? Yes
Is a Squirrel a rodent? Yes
Is a Vole a rodent? Yes
Is a Hedgehog a rodent? No. Hedgehogs are not rodents.
Is a Mole a rodent? No. Moles are not rodents.
Is a Rabbit a rodent? No. Rabbits are not rodents.
Is a Raccoon a rodent? No. Raccoons are not rodents.
Is a Shrew a rodent? No. Shrews are not rodents.