
mamasbabygirlz Calendar

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No Date


1. If you would like a different month/year please select them from the links above. The page will automatically reload with your requested month.

2. If you would like to make a Desktop Standup that doesn't have a Calendar on it just select "No Date" from the links above.

3. Print the page. Here are some printing tips.

  • Make sure your page setup is set to 100% scale.
  • You may need to select "print background images" for the skyenimal image to be displayed.
  • You may need to turn off the printing of headers and footers for everything to fit on one page.

4. Cut out the entire tall rectangle on the right half of the page. Don't cut it into multiple sections. You need to keep all four sections together.

5. Cut the "slits" in the top and bottom sections. These will form the base of the standup.

6. Fold your standup, insert the top and bottom slits together to form the base. Tape the two base pieces together so the standup stays together better.
