Kingdom   Animal
Class   Mammal
Order  Hyrax
Species  Rock Hyrax
Date Updated   Mon Dec 29 19:58:03 2014
Image Credit  JindoJeff
Image Comment  Rock Hyrax at Brookfield Zoo, Illinois.
Image From  Brookfield Zoo
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Hyrax - Rock Hyrax Images for kids
Hyrax - Rock Hyrax Activities for kids
Hyrax - Rock Hyrax Facts & Trivia for kids
- Rock Hyrax resemble guinea pigs.
- Rock Hyrax are found across Africa and the Middle East in areas that have rock crevices. They hide in the crevices to escape from predators.
- To protect themselves, Rock Hyrax go to a lookout spot and make alarm calls when they see a predator.
- Hyraxes live in heards of up to 80 animals.
- Rock Hyrax can eat almost any vegetation, even plants that are poisonous to most animals.
- Rock Hyrax are noisy animals that can make 21 different vocal sounds.
- Rock Hyrax are also sometimes called rock dassie.
Hyrax - Rock Hyrax Links for kids